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The Benefits of Vitamin C for Seasonal Allergies

Spring has sprung! The glorious sunshine, crisp air, and blue skies give you every reason to get outside to enjoy the weather. However, for allergy sufferers, spring triggers a different kind of reaction. As winter says its final goodbye, the tree pollens, dust and mold say hello and bring with them a host of pesky symptoms that we call seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis. Antihistamines are the mainstay for allergy treatment. However, for many, these over-the-counter and prescription medicines can leave you feeling even more blah. Vitamin C, however, is a natural substance that can offer immune supporting benefits without the ill effects when it is taken in therapeutic doses.

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies occur when there is an overreaction of the immune system to a foreign substance called an allergen. This immune response involves the release of histamine into your bloodstream which prompts the onslaught of allergy symptoms. The classic symptoms of seasonal allergies include sneezing, itchy eyes, asthma, nasal congestion, and a runny nose (rhinorrhea). Common allergens include plant and tree pollens, molds, dust mites, and animal dander such as dog and cat. Seasonal allergies occur during specific times of the year and depending on where you reside in the country, it can begin as early as February when plants begin to pollinate and extend into November.

Vitamin C: The Natural Antihistamine

Antihistamine therapy does not work for everyone; it can leave you feeling overall, very dry. Side effects include sleepiness, difficulty with urination, drowsiness, and irritability. Vitamin C is a welcomed alternative. As a vitamin, it is essential that you obtain vitamin C from your food and supplements as your body does not make vitamin C on its own. A potent antioxidant, vitamin C protects your cells from damage, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps your body to fight infections. When taken during allergy season, vitamin C can slow down the overreaction of your body to environmental triggers by decreasing your bodyโ€™s histamine production. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine.

How Much Vitamin C is Required?

During the winter comfort foods are a popular go-to and due to the lack of fresh produce available during the winter season, it is common to shy away from fresh fruit and vegetables. Therefore, my first recommendation is to increase the vitamin C โ€“rich foods in your diet. This includes: red peppers, broccoli, red cabbage, guava, papaya, kiwifruit and orange. Dust off your blender and start making your smoothies again; it is certainly one way to usher in spring. However, supplementation over and above what you take in from your diet is also recommended. Depending on the severity of your allergies, a dose between 500 to 5000 mg divided during the day, may be required. One study demonstrated that a dose of 500mg could inhibit the constriction in airways caused by histamine and for the participants in this study this effect lasted for 6 hours.

The Best Form of Vitamin C for Optimal Results

I often recommend that patients take vitamin C well before allergy season begins. This will help to prepare your body for the onslaught of symptoms before allergy season arrives. You may already be taking vitamin C on a regular basis to ward off the flu or to speed the healing of an upper respiratory infection. Just remember to choose a powdered or encapsulated supplement for quicker absorption and hopefully one that is free from chemical additives. Avoid hard tablets which can irritate your stomach lining and take longer for your body to digest.

Byย Olivia Rose, Naturopathic Doctor and Clinic Director at Rose Health Clinic.


1. Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 2013; 28(4):314-328.
2. Zuskin E, Lewis A et al. Inhibition of histamine-induced airway constriction by ascorbic acid. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 1973; 51(4): 218โ€“226.
3. Skoner P. Allergic rhinitis: Definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, detection, and diagnosis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.2001; 108(1): S2-S8.
4. Johnston C, Martin L et al. Antihistamine effect of supplemental ascorbic acid and neutrophil chemotaxis. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 1992; 11(2): 172โ€“176.

5 comments on The Benefits of Vitamin C for Seasonal Allergies
  • Wendy
    Wendy โ€” April 09, 2020

    I have found that this works wonderfully for me! I take 1,000 mg of liposomal C in the morning, by noon my glands start to swell up a little then I take another 1,000 and, walla! Itโ€™s gone! Why did it take me 61 years to learn about this? I have suffered so much from spring allergies and I hate antihistamines, would have done this in a second if I had only known.

  • Debbie
    Debbie โ€” December 08, 2019

    If I would like to use vitamin C for allergies for a child, what dosage would be appropriate? Thank you

  • Reader
    Reader โ€” December 08, 2019

    When nothing else would help my severe allergy symptoms, I started mega doses of vitamin C. Vitamin C was the answer. Wish more people knew this truth. Good article.

  • Sonia Jimenez
    Sonia Jimenez โ€” December 08, 2019

    I have been struggling with my health siece 3/11 I had a ear infection sinuses infection asthma and peptic ulcer I was getting better then allergy season hit and I been trying to figure out how to knock it of of me so Iโ€™m taking your advice buts starting at 250 mg I had trouble with flonanse and zertec

  • krishna
    krishna โ€” November 05, 2018

    this blog gives us a lot of information about deficiency of vitamin ‘c’ in the body. you a sources of vitamin c and its deficiency allergies and its treatment.

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